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All prices are based on the treatment type or body locations not the treatment duration. The length of a treatment often varies and appointment length may include consultation time.

Acupuncture therapy may include additional treatments as part of the overall therapy  (Auriculotherapy, Tui Na, Cupping, Moxa, Gua Sha, Massage, Aromatherapy ect); these are subject to the practitioner’s judgement based on the consultation, patient presentation that day and the practitioners knowledge. These treatments will not incur an additional cost unless discussed prior to the treatment commencing.

The Remedial massage prices are for Tui Na, Swedish body massage and all types of Remedial massage.

Aroma-Reflex treatment is the standard Reflexology appointment using aromatherapy oils specifically made for you. Reflexology can be performed on the hands or the feet. 

A Breech baby moxa treatment includes a 10 day home use kit and a refundable deposit on equipment.

Auriculotherapy at home - is the attachment of ear seeds, magnets or retained needles on a single ear. 


Initial Appointments

The first appointment will take approximately  20-60 minutes longer than a standard appointment and may incur an additional charge to cover the extra length and the consultation process. The thorough consultation covers a detailed full medical history, the person’s lifestyle, body assessment and any other diagnostic checks as required.

*please note: a new consultation  may be required where the duration in-between appointments exceeds 18 months, this would be charged at the standard new patient fee. 


Follow Up Appointments 

All subsequent appointments include an update on your condition and any changes to the consultation, with approximately 20-45 minutes of treatment depending on the treatment type that day and any aftercare that may be needed.


Block of X Appointments

For those preferring a course of treatments, A Block booking is available with a discount applied to it.

These blocks must be paid in full at the start of the block and are non-transferrable and non-refundable. 

All purchases of blocks agree to the fulfilment of all appointments within an 18-month period regardless of treatment outcomes.


Payment & Policies

Some treatments may not be suitable for all. This will be discussed at time of booking.

Some Discounts are available for those who work within specific roles or industries​ upon visual proof of employment i.e. ID CARD / LANYARD. 

  • NHS (*front-line staff only),

  • EMERGENCY SERVICES (*Fire & Rescue, Emergency Medical Services, Law Enforcement, Search and Rescue only),

  • MILITARY (*British Armed forces, British Army, Royal Navy, Royal Air force, and Royal Marines only),

  • SCHOOLS (*primary, Junior or High schools only, all teaching and support staff only)

​Some Health insurance policies may cover the cost of treatment depending on the therapy type and the individual policy; we would suggest you check with your insurance provider for more details. For those able to reclaim the cost of treatment from the Insurance provider, Point'z of Interest Therapie'z request that you pay in full for any appointments you have received immediately following treatment; and then claim the cost back from your insurance company. A full details receipt can be provided for you to assist with this which includes any relevant insurance or membership numbers the insurance provider may require from the practitioner.


All prices are correct at time of going to print, but may be subject to change. 


Cancellation Policy

Please note there is a 24-hour cancellation policy is in effect. Cancellation with less than 24 hours’ notice incurs a 50% fee, unattended appointments with no notice incur a 100% fee. These fees must be paid in full prior to any new appointment taking place.


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